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Beypore Beach

District:                     Calicut


Located at the mouth of the Chaliyar River in Calicut district. Beypore, believed to be one of the prominent ports and fishing harbours of ancient Kerala. Beypore was an important trade and maritime centre. Ancient Beypore was much sought after by merchants from Western Asia, for its ship building industry. The boat building yard, famous for its construction of Uru, the traditional Arabian trading vessel. 
The Beypore Beach has a bridge built nearly 2 Km into the sea. It is actually made up of huge stones piled together making a pathway into the Sea.
No design is drawn, and the plan of the Uru is conceptualized wholly in the mind of the master craftsmen. And log by log, each component comes together like a giant jigsaw puzzle and the final product is truly breathtaking. And to think that nothing was planned on paper, but the whole designing and intricate measurements and calculations were done entirely in the mind is truly astounding.

  • Airport: Calicut Airport, 25 Km
  • Railway station: Kozhikode station, 12 Km
  • Road: Well connected road, 10 Km from Calicut town.

Kashmir Tourism, East Sikkim Tourism, Kerala Tourism

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